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Women travellers book their flights 1.9 days earlier than their male counterparts, therefore, paying an average of around two per cent less for their tickets than men, suggested Carlson Wagonlit Travel’s (CWT) analysis of 6.4 million air booking transactions. The full findings are published by CWT in a white paper, “Gender differences in booking business travel: advance booking behavior and associated financial impact”.
CWT Solutions Group worked with Javier Donna, assistant professor of economics at The Ohio State University, and Gregory Veramendi, assistant professor of economics at Arizona State University. Using advanced statistical techniques, they were able to quantify a direct link between gender and flight booking patterns.
Other findings include the fact that people tend to book flights further in advance the older they are. Additionally, as people’s flying frequency increases, they typically book flights closer to their departure date. Interestingly, the gender gap almost disappears among the most frequent travellers.
The analysis technique can be used to examine other areas of travel, helping travel managers gain new insights by understanding traveller behaviour better. This is expected to help develop personalisation, including more targeted messages, more precise travel management and improved programme efficiency.
Catalin Ciobanu, senior director – data and analytics, CWT Solutions Group, said, “This analysis technique opens up a whole new range of opportunities in the quest for personalised travel. It can also be applied to many other types of traveller segmentation, including geography, booking channel used, or individual business unit. Ultimately, by knowing our travellers better, we can improve both their experience, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of corporate travel programmes.”
Source: financialexpress.com