Top 10 Cities for Street Art in the World

By Harold Smith-Franzen1. Belgrade by: Jelena Budjevac – Courtesy: Gogobot Neighborhood to check out: SavamalaA development project is expected to drastically change historic Savamala so you&rsq…

The Art of Moving: A History

This post was sponsored by Air Charter Service, though all opinions and the tragic loss of belongings are courtesy of yours truly.The first time I moved overseas, it was 2003. I was only going for a l…

Experience churches in the age of Rubens

Antwerp-Cathedral-by-Hendrik-I-van-Steenwijck Museum Mayer van den Bergh in Antwerp, Belgium, has opened the doors to the 17th century, with a unique exhibition of architectural paintings leading visi…

Bonnaroo 2016: The Good, The Bad, The Awesome

It should come as no surprise that my favorite four-day stretch in Tennessee each year is when Bonnaroo rolls into town. I grew up in the county the festival calls home, and let me just say, it’…