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By Julia Pond, Managing Editor
Austin – Ramona Flume
Boston – Kate Iannarone
Gogobot Profile:http://www.gogobot.com/user/kate-iannaroneKate Iannarone eats cannoli for breakfast, measures distance in stops on the Red Line, and can fit a summer’s worth of activity into three weeks of glorious weather. She has been quacked at by Duck Tours more times than she’d care to count, and her favorite holiday is Marathon Monday. Yes, she is proud to be from Boston, and thrilled to be the editor for the Boston’s GoGo This Week. If you need to find her, your best bet is near the water; she’ll be either running by or kayaking on the Charles, or grabbing a bite by the Seaport.
Chicago – Beth Williams
Houston – Shanna Jones and Felice Sloan
New York – Veronica Gorodetskaya
Gogobot Profile: http://www.gogobot.com/user/nika-gorodetskaya
Veronica is originally from St. Petersburg, Russia, but calls South Brooklyn her home. When not in Bensonhurst, she can be found in the neighborhood’s Roman twin town Guidonia, doing much of the same things, in no particular order: eating, reading, musing, digging, napping, drinking an array of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, visiting or being visited, writing and sleeping. She is also the editor of the online literary magazine http://www.thecaprareview.com/
London – David Miah
Los Angeles – Leila Najafi
Gogobot Profile: https://www.gogobot.com/user/leila-najafi_2Leila is a tech marketer and writer who has called LA home for nearly 25 years. She spends half of her paycheck on concert tickets, traveling, and stationery and admittedly suffers from FOMO. When she’s not exploring every nook and cranny of LA, you can find her at a coffee shop on Abbot Kinney, a SoulCycle bike, or cooking up a storm in the kitchen. She also writes about local events, music, and the art scene for Time Out Los Angeles, Gogobot, and AXS.com.
Miami – Jessica Cotzin
Phoenix – Patricia Escarcega
San Diego – Becky Mahan
Gogobot Profile: http://www.gogobot.com/user/becky-mahan
San Francisco – Anne Lowrey
Seattle – Valerie Stimac
Singapore – Pei Ying Loh
Gogobot Profile: http://www.gogobot.com/user/peiying
I’m a typical Singaporean girl with an embarrassing love for Chicken Rice. My interests are in Singapore’s heritage, politics and history, and I aspire to be a curator some day. I love to read, bake, cook, café hop and cuddle with my two fat cats. I love travelling to eccentric destinations for their history, culture, art, museums and most importantly – food. My travel goals at the moment are to visit all the Southeast Asian ancient ruins. I’ve visited Borobudur, Angkor Wat, Ayutthaya and Bagan is next!
Silicon Valley – Charles Darius
Gogobot Profile: http://www.gogobot.com/user/charles_2
Charles Darius is a real-live Silicon Valley native. In fact, he remembers when it was just “the Peninsula.” His travels include hotspots like Lichtenstein and the Isle of Capri. In addition to Charles’ unparalleled knowledge of points of interest in the Bay Area, he is also a professional performer, playing a slew of instruments in various ensembles from brass bands to David Bowie tribute farcical spiritual revivals and more. You’re most likely to find him on the dance floor, working in the garden, or at a cafe, making strange and wonderful sounds on his computer.
Source: gogobot.com