
How to get the best luxury car rental rates

Are you planning a trip and want to have something better than a common sedan to use when out on the town? The best option is to rent a luxury vehicle for the duration of a trip. There are many places…

In 2016: Highlights from the Year

Oh, 2016, I can’t say I’m sad that you’re over. While you brought me my best work year to date, you also delivered a number of gut punches, many of which stemmed from my dad’s …

Best Photos of 2016 & Plans for the Coming Year

In 2016, I moved to Oaxaca for a few months and ended up signing a lease for a lot longer stay. Part of this decision came down to my battle with chronic pain, but also to the fact that the city is be…

Your Picks for My Best Photos of 2016

In 2016, I moved to Oaxaca for a few months and ended up signing a lease for a lot longer stay. Part of this decision came down to my battle with chronic pain, but also to the fact that the city is be…

Missteps in Germany: How Garmisch Redeemed Itself

Of all the places we were hitting up on our epic Alps road trip, I was most excited for Garmisch-Partenkirchen.And it would turn out to be the place that disappointed me the most.But let me start from…

Why I Switched to a Menstrual Cup

A few months ago I reviewed the Lily Cup Compact menstrual cup as an alternative method to tampons. Having never used a menstrual cup before it was a bit of a learning curve, but now I’ve switch…