5 Of The Best European Cities To Go Running In

Let’s be honest. When you think about holidays, you’re probably imagining relaxing, eating, drinking and dancing (if you’re feeling lively). But we reckon you can also combine keepin…

Five Reasons to Try a Singles Holiday

Solo travel may be highly clichéd. But honestly, there’s no better way to discover yourself than travelling solo. So, try a singles holiday and read on to know how to get the best out of …

Five Reasons to Travel Solo

It was a beautiful eveningAs the travel industry is expanding and the market caters to all kinds of travelers and tourists, now is a better time than any, for those who have been skeptical of solo tra…

Tips for Learning Chinese from Home

So you want to learn Chinese?It may seem intimidating at first, since the sounds are very different to English and it has its own alphabet, but anyone can master Chinese with the right tools. You&rsqu…

4 Things Canadians Pay WAY too Much For

Rising costs should not come as a surprise to many people. When was the last time you ever saw something go down in price? I’ve had countless backpackers in Canada mention by email or in person …